lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

What Is Conversational Hypnosis

What Is Conversational Hypnosis

Conversational hypnosis is the ability to 
“hypnotize” people through conversation. I put the 
word hypnotize in quotations because generally 
speaking, conversational hypnosis does not put 
someone in a trance. Learning the skills of 
conversational hypnosis enables you to get what you 
want from people. 

Everyone wants the ability to get what they want 
from other people. Conversational hypnosis allows 
you to develop rapport with another person so that 
you are easily able to convey what you want either 
in a direct or embedded way.

Conversational hypnosis deals a lot with NLP or 
Neuro Linguistic Programming. One aspect of NLP and 
conversational hypnosis are representational 
systems. There are three major representational 
systems: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.

The visual representational system describes people 
who gravitate towards their visual field. These are 
types of people who are more in tune with their 
visual field. When explaining something to someone 
who is visual they are most likely to picture it in 
their minds. Later, when accessing this 
conversation or story a visual person will be able 
to visualize the story in their head.

The auditory representational system describes 
people who gravitate towards their auditory field. 

These people are more in tune with their hearing 
ability and with sounds. They tend to listen to 
words and sounds and associate things with these 
words and sounds. People who are lean toward an 
auditory representation system often say “sounds 
good” or “I hear what you are saying.”

The kinesthetic representational system describes 
people who depend on their feeling or sense of 
touch. These people are most in tune with their 
sense of touch. When talking with someone who 
depends on their kinesthetic representational 
system, they might say “hold on” when they are 
asking you to wait.

When I work with clients, I like to figure out 
whether they depend on visual, auditory, or 
kinesthetic clues. When I figure out what 
representational system describes them, I am better 
able to develop rapport with them. Developing 
rapport is very important during any type of 
therapy between a client and their therapist 
whether it is hypnotherapy or psychiatry. 

Being able to appeal to a client’s representational 
system allows me to develop rapport with them and a 
level of trust is established. It also helps the 
client realize that I am there to help them make 
positive changes in their life. They feel as though 
I understand exactly what they are going through.  

A client is more likely to make changes in their own 
life if they feel confident and at ease around 
their therapist.


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