jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

Enhance your brain power

 Enhance your brain power

I would like to speak about progressive enhancement in its rawest form. Among the many different facets of our lives that we can improve upon, there are two main metrics that must always have a presence in our quest.

First is the brain. The brain is the mainframe computer in our bodies, which controls every single function within us. Everything from our emotions to choices we make to even the beating of the heart is controlled by the mind.

Therefore, it's essential that we constantly exercise our minds with the same goal that we have when exercising our bodies; to improve performance.

The second metric that is essential to success is consistency. Taking the necessary steps to yield results every once in a while will not yield any true long-term results whatsoever.

It must be a consistent effort. Just like dieting, eating healthy food occasionally isn't going to get you the body you want and help you reach a level of health that is optimal.

The same is true of exercise. Considering I exercise everyday of my life, and I have now for a number of years, I know the importance of exercise and the benefits it has on people.

In fact, nowadays many insurance companies are actually paying for gym memberships for seniors because in the long run, there are less claims filed. Why? Because people live longer and get sick lesser.

So the insurance companies look at this as an investment. They pay now to save later.

Here's the catch. In many cases, the subsidy is based on gym usage. In others words, the insured must visit the club a certain amount of times per month or year to qualify to have the dues paid.

Reason being is that the insurance companies know that more visits equal better results. Again, we see how consistency is key.

True progressive enhancement requires a constant effort on improvement.

I would like to tell you about one of the best resources you can use to fuel your progressive enhancement by exercising your mind on a consistent basis.

Introducing Brain Power Control...

This program is basically like a gym membership for your mind. Enhance your mind, change your life.

Here's why you must order today - I have priced these powerful systems at what I consider to be a very generous and fair price... and in fact..it is only a market test. I will also be testing higher prices for these programs.

Here's something you must realize - I reserve the right to jack up the price...probably by $20 minimum...at any time without notice. And, that could happen tomorrow, next week, or later today.

So, if you see that the investment is still just $27.97, please go ahead and order right now.

If you don't order, you'll end up paying more later. Please don't tell me I didn't warn you! So just take advantage of this offer and get the "steal of a lifetime" by ordering today. Do it now.

Go NOW before I change my mind :-)

To your success.

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