miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013

Today I want to talk about Past Life Regression

Today I want to talk about Past Life Regression.

Past life regression provides an experience unparalleled by anything else on both spiritual and psychotherapeutic levels. This truth was never more clearly evident than in my session with Hollywood celebrity Danny Bonaduce a few months back during which some surprising truths were revealed.

That's the thing about past life regression; surprising truths are almost always revealed. And that's what makes the experience so fascinating on so many different levels. Whether you simply want to achieve spiritual enlightenment in its truest form, or you want to discover how the role you held in your past life is affecting you today, past life regression is without a doubt one of the most intriguing journeys of the mind.

In the past however, effectively using the hypnotic techniques encompassed in past life regression on my clients involved a lot. First off, I would have to block out time in my busy schedule.

The client would have to book a trip to my office in Savannah and come up with the $25,000 that gets you a private session. I thought to myself "there has to be a better way." There has to be a more effective way for me to reach people with past life regression. And so (like many other initiatives that I have taken), I decided I needed to create a method or a system that people could use to experience past life regression without traveling to Savannah.

And so I took my degree in Cognitive Psychology (the study of how people learn) and put to use. After all, a good education in America can be quite costly.

What I came up with was an end result that far surpassed even my expectations. It is without a shadow of a doubt arguably the most effective yet extremely easy to use system on past life regression that the world has ever seen.

Now I know that's a pretty bold statement to make and that's exactly why I DON'T want you to take my word for it. Instead, I want you to see for yourself first hand how empowering this resource truly is.

See how amazingly effective and seamlessly simple this system really is. But aside from being effective and easy to use, I am going to go one better and make it amazingly easy to own as well. And here's how I'm going to do that.

I'm going to virtually give this resource away for pennies on the dollar.

You see, until now a past life regression session with me had a $25,000 price tag attached to it. And that price pails in comparison to what some TV networks are willing to shell out for me to hypnotize Danny.

Here's why you must order today - I have priced this powerful system at what I consider to be a very generous and fair price... and in fact..it is only a market test.  I will also be testing higher prices for these programs.

Here's something you must realize - I reserve the right to jack up the price...probably by $20 minimum...at any time without notice. And, that could happen tomorrow, next week, or later today.           

So, if you see that the investment is still just $27.97, please go ahead and order right now.

If you don't order, you'll end up paying more later. Please don't tell me I didn't warn you! So just take advantage of this offer today and get the "steal of a lifetime" by ordering today. Do it now.

Go NOW before I change my mind :-)

Enjoy the savings!

I want you to be successful.

Take your life to the next level!

To your success.

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