lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

Conversational Hypnosis: Establishing Rapport with Mirroring

Conversational Hypnosis: Establishing Rapport with 

Conversational hypnosis is used to persuade and 
control those around you so that you can get what 
you want. Not only is conversational hypnosis used 
so that you get what you want, but it is also used 
so that other people do not take advantage of you. 
Conversational hypnosis gives you power and that 
leads to getting what you want. 

As I have said in earlier articles, the most 
important aspect of conversational hypnosis is 
learning the art of developing rapport with another 
person. Rapport is the ability to be “in tune” with 
someone subconsciously. Rapport will enable others 
to have trust in you. Rapport will allow you to 
gain their respect so that you can get what you 

The concept I would now like to share with you is 
called mirroring. I would like for you to go ahead 
and stand in front of a mirror. Raise your right 
hand. Notice that when you raise your right hand, 
your image in the mirror appears to raising their 
left hand. Notice that the same thing happens when 
you scratch your head. 

Mirroring is non-verbal and allows you “mirror” 
another person to develop rapport with them. 

Imagine sitting down with someone you would like to 
develop rapport with. Perhaps you notice that they 
have one leg crossed on their knee. You can mirror 
their posture or crossed leg. This gives the other 
person the impression that you are similar to them. 
However, this impression is subconscious. 

When mirroring someone it is important to do so in 
a manner in which you will not get caught. If the 
other person scratches their head and you scratch 
your head to quickly, you might get caught. Neither 
of you want that to happen!

This is why mirroring is important to practice. Go 
ahead and take a week to practice with friends or 
at a party so you give yourself a chance to get 
good at it. Believe me, it does require some 
practice. Mirroring someone too quickly will get 
you caught and mirroring someone too late will not 
help you establish rapport. 

Another way to mirror someone is to mirror their 
breathing. Notice the rhythm of their breathing by 
their rising chest and breathe in and out when they 
breathe in and out. This method will help you 
establish rapport with the other person. Now, if it 
is unnatural to you to mirror someone else’s 
breathing, then do not attempt it. You do not want 
to get caught!

A way in which you can mirror someone’s breathing 
without changing your breathing pattern is using a 
technique called cross-over mirroring. Cross-over 
mirroring is when you imitate someone’s rhythm, but 
in a different way. If you wanted to mirror 
someone’s breathing using cross-over mirroring you 
could tap your finger or pen using the same rhythm 
as their breathing.

In order to establish rapport through mirroring, 
you must practice! Give yourself around one week to 
try these techniques out on friends or strangers. 

Be patient and practice and you too can master 
these skills to develop rapport.


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