lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

Conversational Hypnosis: Establish Rapport with Leading

Conversational Hypnosis: Establish Rapport with 

Conversational hypnosis is a program of powerful 
techniques used to persuade and control those 
around you. Not only is conversational hypnosis 
used so that you have influence over others, but it 
is also used so that other people do not take 
advantage of you. Conversational hypnosis allows 
you to establish rapport with other individuals and 
that leads to you getting what you want. 

The most important aspect of conversational 
hypnosis is learning how to develop rapport with 
other people. Rapport is the ability to be “in 
tune” with someone subconsciously. Rapport will 
enable others to have trust in you. Rapport will 
allow you to gain their trust so that you can get 
what you want.

In past articles I have talked about establishing 
rapport through pacing and mirroring techniques. In 
this article I am going to talk about the technique 
of leading. Leading is a technique to use after you 
have been pacing someone for about 5-10 minutes. 

However, I highly suggest practicing leading for a 
week on friends or strangers before trying it out 
to get what you want.

Leading is where you make someone do what you want 
them to do. For example, if you have been pacing 
and mirroring someone for a little while, it is 
time to test to see if they have developed rapport 
with you. If you have established rapport 
correctly, you can take the lead by doing something 
and they will follow. 

It is important to make sure you have mastered 
mirroring and pacing before you move on to leading. 

Be sure to practice all three techniques before 
being put in a serious position where you intend to 
lead someone. These techniques take a little bit of 
practice to master and before long you will be a 
master of conversational hypnosis.

While practicing on friends or strangers, I suggest 
keeping the leading simple. For example, after you 
have mirrored and paced someone for 5-10 minutes, 
you can lead them by scratching your head. If they 
scratch their head, you have accomplished your goal 
of leading them.

Leading is a great technique to use in a business 
setting because you can get them to do what you 
want them to do. However, it is very important to 
be careful in a business setting. It is possible 
that other business people know about 
conversational hypnosis. Let’s say for example that 
you scratch your head. If the other person waits a 
little while and then scratches their head, then 
your technique is a success. However if they 
scratch their head very quickly after you did, 
perhaps they are trying to pace you. So, be 

Another way you can use leading is to slow 
someone’s voice tempo, or to speed it up. If 
someone is speaking too quickly, you can start 
slowing down your voice and see if they follow your 
lead. Leading has all sorts of possibilities. I 
encourage you to practice this skill and soon you 
will be leading people to do what you want!


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