lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

A Brief History of Conversational Hypnosis

A Brief History of Conversational Hypnosis

It is important to know the history of
conversational hypnosis because it came about over
the course of over 100 years. Several people
contributed to the vast amount of knowledge that
has now become conversational hypnosis

It is important to point out that not one doctor or
psychologist came up with the idea of
conversational hypnosis. Rather, it was a sort of
evolution that was created by many over the years.

The first major scientist to contribute to the
fascinating topic of conversational hypnosis was
Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov was perhaps most well known for
the term “conditioning.” Pavlov taught dogs to
associate food with the ringing of a bell. The dogs
would salivate when given the food. Overtime,
Pavlov exposed the dogs to the food and would ring
a bell at the same time. When the food was taken
away and only the bell was rung, the dogs still

With conditioning, Ivan Pavlov paved the
way for conversational hypnosis.

The next scientist to contribute to conversational
hypnosis was Dr. John B. Watson. Watson was a
behavioral scientist. He was well known for taking
the basic principles that Pavlov had established
and applying them to humans. Watson studied people,
their behavior and how their behavior was
influenced by their environment. Conversational
hypnosis has a lot to do with behavior and Watson
was able to influence the evolution of
conversational hypnosis.

B.F. Skinner was another behavioral scientist who
contributed to conversational hypnosis. We live in
a stimulus response world and B.F. Skinner realized
that. He realized that if you have a certain
stimulus in the environment then it would illicit a
response. He took what Dr. Watson had done and
really took it to the next level. Skinner developed
what is known as “radical behavioralism” which
included thinking, perception and emotion in
studying behavior of humans.

Milton Erickson was one of the first to be an
advocate of medical hypnosis. He also was a major
contributor of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
which is a major component to conversational
hypnosis. Erickson believed in the power of
suggestion and that your subconscious mind is
always active, the basis of hypnosis.

Lastly, Richard Bandler and John Grinder were the
co-founders of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).
NLP is the description of different communication
techniques used to interact with people. NLP also
deals heavily on the idea of persuasion.

All of these people and their research has led up
to the idea and techniques of conversational
hypnosis. Conversational hypnosis is the idea that
you can persuade, manipulate, or control to get
what you want. Of course, conversational hypnosis
should only be used for good.

A Brief History of Conversational Hypnosis

What Is Conversational Hypnosis

What Is Conversational Hypnosis

Conversational hypnosis is the ability to 
“hypnotize” people through conversation. I put the 
word hypnotize in quotations because generally 
speaking, conversational hypnosis does not put 
someone in a trance. Learning the skills of 
conversational hypnosis enables you to get what you 
want from people. 

Everyone wants the ability to get what they want 
from other people. Conversational hypnosis allows 
you to develop rapport with another person so that 
you are easily able to convey what you want either 
in a direct or embedded way.

Conversational hypnosis deals a lot with NLP or 
Neuro Linguistic Programming. One aspect of NLP and 
conversational hypnosis are representational 
systems. There are three major representational 
systems: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.

The visual representational system describes people 
who gravitate towards their visual field. These are 
types of people who are more in tune with their 
visual field. When explaining something to someone 
who is visual they are most likely to picture it in 
their minds. Later, when accessing this 
conversation or story a visual person will be able 
to visualize the story in their head.

The auditory representational system describes 
people who gravitate towards their auditory field. 

These people are more in tune with their hearing 
ability and with sounds. They tend to listen to 
words and sounds and associate things with these 
words and sounds. People who are lean toward an 
auditory representation system often say “sounds 
good” or “I hear what you are saying.”

The kinesthetic representational system describes 
people who depend on their feeling or sense of 
touch. These people are most in tune with their 
sense of touch. When talking with someone who 
depends on their kinesthetic representational 
system, they might say “hold on” when they are 
asking you to wait.

When I work with clients, I like to figure out 
whether they depend on visual, auditory, or 
kinesthetic clues. When I figure out what 
representational system describes them, I am better 
able to develop rapport with them. Developing 
rapport is very important during any type of 
therapy between a client and their therapist 
whether it is hypnotherapy or psychiatry. 

Being able to appeal to a client’s representational 
system allows me to develop rapport with them and a 
level of trust is established. It also helps the 
client realize that I am there to help them make 
positive changes in their life. They feel as though 
I understand exactly what they are going through.  

A client is more likely to make changes in their own 
life if they feel confident and at ease around 
their therapist.

Conversational Hypnosis: Establishing Rapport with Pacing

Conversational Hypnosis: Establishing Rapport with 

Conversational hypnosis is all about getting your 
way. Who does not want to get their way and be in 
control of situations? Being in control gives you 
power and that leads to getting what you want. 

The most important aspect of conversational 
hypnosis is learning the art of developing rapport 
with another person. Rapport is the ability to be 
“in tune” with someone subconsciously. It is 
important to establish rapport because rapport will 
help you gain a sense of trust with the other 
person. Rapport will allow you to persuade and 
control to ultimately get your way.

Seventy percent of a “conversation” occurs without 
words. You can convey a lot with body language, 
facial expression, and hand gestures. There are 
different techniques to use while interacting with 
someone. Both verbal and non-verbal cues are used 
to establish rapport.

Rapport can be established verbally and non-
verbally through pacing and mirroring. Pacing is 
doing what someone else does in the same way that 
they do it. Pacing can be verbal or non-verbal, 
involving conversation, body language, and rhythm 
to name a few. Mirroring is non-verbal and involves 
body language, hand gestures, and anything not 
involving conversation. In this article I will just 
talk about pacing.

Establishing rapport using pacing can involve 
figuring out a persons representational system (ie: 
visual, auditory, kinesthetic) and using this to 
your advantage. Matching someone’s representational 
system makes the other person feel as though you 
are able to easily relate to them.

Another pacing technique involves listening to the 
other person’s rhythm as they speak. Most people 
have a natural cadence to their speech. Pay 
attention to their tempo and see if you can match 
it. This creates rapport with a natural cadence and 
flow to the conversation. 

Another cue to pay attention to is their tone of 
voice. Is it high pitched or low pitched? If it is 
a very distinct pitch, then it is probably not a 
good idea to match because it could cause the 
opposite of rapport! If matching their voice tone 
involves just a slight change in your tone, then 
try it out. You will be surprised at how easy this 
technique is.

In order to establish rapport through pacing, you 
must practice! Give yourself around one week to try 
these techniques out on friends or strangers. It is 
a lot of fun to practice at a party. Be patient and 
practice and you too can master these skills to 
develop rapport.

Conversational Hypnosis: Establishing Rapport with Mirroring

Conversational Hypnosis: Establishing Rapport with 

Conversational hypnosis is used to persuade and 
control those around you so that you can get what 
you want. Not only is conversational hypnosis used 
so that you get what you want, but it is also used 
so that other people do not take advantage of you. 
Conversational hypnosis gives you power and that 
leads to getting what you want. 

As I have said in earlier articles, the most 
important aspect of conversational hypnosis is 
learning the art of developing rapport with another 
person. Rapport is the ability to be “in tune” with 
someone subconsciously. Rapport will enable others 
to have trust in you. Rapport will allow you to 
gain their respect so that you can get what you 

The concept I would now like to share with you is 
called mirroring. I would like for you to go ahead 
and stand in front of a mirror. Raise your right 
hand. Notice that when you raise your right hand, 
your image in the mirror appears to raising their 
left hand. Notice that the same thing happens when 
you scratch your head. 

Mirroring is non-verbal and allows you “mirror” 
another person to develop rapport with them. 

Imagine sitting down with someone you would like to 
develop rapport with. Perhaps you notice that they 
have one leg crossed on their knee. You can mirror 
their posture or crossed leg. This gives the other 
person the impression that you are similar to them. 
However, this impression is subconscious. 

When mirroring someone it is important to do so in 
a manner in which you will not get caught. If the 
other person scratches their head and you scratch 
your head to quickly, you might get caught. Neither 
of you want that to happen!

This is why mirroring is important to practice. Go 
ahead and take a week to practice with friends or 
at a party so you give yourself a chance to get 
good at it. Believe me, it does require some 
practice. Mirroring someone too quickly will get 
you caught and mirroring someone too late will not 
help you establish rapport. 

Another way to mirror someone is to mirror their 
breathing. Notice the rhythm of their breathing by 
their rising chest and breathe in and out when they 
breathe in and out. This method will help you 
establish rapport with the other person. Now, if it 
is unnatural to you to mirror someone else’s 
breathing, then do not attempt it. You do not want 
to get caught!

A way in which you can mirror someone’s breathing 
without changing your breathing pattern is using a 
technique called cross-over mirroring. Cross-over 
mirroring is when you imitate someone’s rhythm, but 
in a different way. If you wanted to mirror 
someone’s breathing using cross-over mirroring you 
could tap your finger or pen using the same rhythm 
as their breathing.

In order to establish rapport through mirroring, 
you must practice! Give yourself around one week to 
try these techniques out on friends or strangers. 

Be patient and practice and you too can master 
these skills to develop rapport.


Conversational Hypnosis: Eye-Accessing Cues Part I

Conversational Hypnosis: Eye-Accessing Cues Part I

Conversational hypnosis is full of various 
techniques that you can use on other people to get 
what you want! It is a way that you can consciously 
act on their subconscious minds, without them 
knowing it. Of course, I always encourage people to 
use conversational hypnosis for good because there 
are so many powerful things you can do with 
conversational hypnosis.

In this article, I am going to introduce a unique 
and interesting topic. I am going to talk about 
eye-accessing cues. You can actually look at 
someone’s face and look at their eyes. You can 
watch the direction in which their eyes are moving 
with each thing that they are saying or thinking. 

The importance of watching their eyes during a 
conversation is that their eyes can reveal what 
their mind is thinking. Now let’s talk about the 
six different eye-accessing cues:

Visually Created (VC): when someone is looking up 
and to the left (if you are facing them) they are 
visually creating something in their mind. They are 
trying to create a new image.

Auditory Created (AC): when someone is looking 
across to the left they are auditory creating 
something in their mind. They are trying create 
something that they heard.

Kinesthetic (K): when someone looks down to the 
left, they are creating something kinesthetically 
in their mind. They refer to the sense of touch or 

Visually Remembered (VR): when someone is looking 
up and to the right, they are remembering a visual 

Auditory Remembered (AC): when someone is looking 
across and to the right, they are trying to 
remember something that they heard.

Internal Dialogue (ID): when someone is looking 
down and to the right, they are repeating their 
inner dialogue.

Watching someone’s eye-accessing cues takes 
practice. You have to be very in tune with what 
they are saying and the direction of their eye 
movements. As with any of these conversational 
hypnosis techniques, it will take some practice 
getting used to. I encourage you to practice with 
friends and really pay attention to their eye-
accessing cues. Go have fun with it!

Conversational Hypnosis: Eye-Accessing Cues Part II

Conversational Hypnosis: Eye-Accessing Cues Part II

Conversational hypnosis is a program consisting of 
many hypnosis and NLP techniques. These techniques 
you can be useful in many different situations such 
as dating, sales, and developing rapport with 
another person. It is a way that you can 
consciously act on someone’s subconscious mind, 
without them knowing it. Of course, I always 
encourage people to use conversational hypnosis for 
good because there are so many powerful techniques 
you can use with conversational hypnosis.

In my last article I talked about the six different 
eye accessing cues. They were: visually created 
(VC), auditory created (AC), kinesthetic (K), 
visually remembered (VR), auditory remembered (AR), 
and internal dialogue (IR). Basically, these cues 
are apparent by the direction someone is looking 
and thus you can read what is going on in their 

Law enforcement agencies train their agents with 
this technology. This is true in the USA and 
probably other countries. The Federal Agents are 
trained at FLETC. The fact that the US government 
pays money to have their Federal Agents trained in 
this technology is good news. The US Federal 
Government sees that it is important to train their 
agents with this technique so that their agents can 
get into the minds of someone they are 

Do keep in mind that this information is out there. 
If you have someone staring right at you, it may be 
someone who is using this technology on you. 

Chances are you will be dealing with a date, 
someone to whom you may be selling something to, a 
child, a parent, husband or wife, boyfriend or 
girlfriend or someone who is your boss or employee. 

Before you can use any of this technology you must 
first determine which way the person is oriented, 
referring to whether they use the accessing cues 
“normally” or the opposite. If you want to see if 
someone is normally oriented, you would talk to 
them about something you know they have never seen 
before. For example, you might mention a character 
in a movie or something that would require them to 
create something visual. They would have to create 
it in their minds. You will then see which way they 
look when they create something visual. If they 
look up to their right, you know that they are 
normally oriented. If they look up to their left, 
you know that they are oppositely oriented.

As you can see it will take some practice to get 
used to someone’s eye accessing cues. After you 
have practiced with some friends, go ahead and try 
it out on people you don’t know. Try to see if you 
can get into their mind. Learning eye-accessing 
cues is a very powerful technique. It allows you 
learn a little more about the person you are 
talking to than if you were just having a normal 

I encourage you to go out and try this technique on 
people. It is fascinating and a great skill to 

What Is Conversational Hypnosis

What Is Conversational Hypnosis

Conversational hypnosis is the ability to 
“hypnotize” people through conversation. I put the 
word hypnotize in quotations because generally 
speaking, conversational hypnosis does not put 
someone in a trance. Learning the skills of 
conversational hypnosis enables you to get what you 
want from people. 

Everyone wants the ability to get what they want 
from other people. Conversational hypnosis allows 
you to develop rapport with another person so that 
you are easily able to convey what you want either 
in a direct or embedded way.

Conversational hypnosis deals a lot with NLP or 
Neuro Linguistic Programming. One aspect of NLP and 
conversational hypnosis are representational 
systems. There are three major representational 
systems: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.

The visual representational system describes people 
who gravitate towards their visual field. These are 
types of people who are more in tune with their 
visual field. When explaining something to someone 
who is visual they are most likely to picture it in 
their minds. Later, when accessing this 
conversation or story a visual person will be able 
to visualize the story in their head.

The auditory representational system describes 
people who gravitate towards their auditory field. 

These people are more in tune with their hearing 
ability and with sounds. They tend to listen to 
words and sounds and associate things with these 
words and sounds. People who are lean toward an 
auditory representation system often say “sounds 
good” or “I hear what you are saying.”

The kinesthetic representational system describes 
people who depend on their feeling or sense of 
touch. These people are most in tune with their 
sense of touch. When talking with someone who 
depends on their kinesthetic representational 
system, they might say “hold on” when they are 
asking you to wait.

When I work with clients, I like to figure out 
whether they depend on visual, auditory, or 
kinesthetic clues. When I figure out what 
representational system describes them, I am better 
able to develop rapport with them. Developing 
rapport is very important during any type of 
therapy between a client and their therapist 
whether it is hypnotherapy or psychiatry. 

Being able to appeal to a client’s representational 
system allows me to develop rapport with them and a 
level of trust is established. It also helps the 
client realize that I am there to help them make 
positive changes in their life. They feel as though 
I understand exactly what they are going through.  

A client is more likely to make changes in their own 
life if they feel confident and at ease around 
their therapist.


Conversational Hypnosis: Establish Rapport with Leading

Conversational Hypnosis: Establish Rapport with 

Conversational hypnosis is a program of powerful 
techniques used to persuade and control those 
around you. Not only is conversational hypnosis 
used so that you have influence over others, but it 
is also used so that other people do not take 
advantage of you. Conversational hypnosis allows 
you to establish rapport with other individuals and 
that leads to you getting what you want. 

The most important aspect of conversational 
hypnosis is learning how to develop rapport with 
other people. Rapport is the ability to be “in 
tune” with someone subconsciously. Rapport will 
enable others to have trust in you. Rapport will 
allow you to gain their trust so that you can get 
what you want.

In past articles I have talked about establishing 
rapport through pacing and mirroring techniques. In 
this article I am going to talk about the technique 
of leading. Leading is a technique to use after you 
have been pacing someone for about 5-10 minutes. 

However, I highly suggest practicing leading for a 
week on friends or strangers before trying it out 
to get what you want.

Leading is where you make someone do what you want 
them to do. For example, if you have been pacing 
and mirroring someone for a little while, it is 
time to test to see if they have developed rapport 
with you. If you have established rapport 
correctly, you can take the lead by doing something 
and they will follow. 

It is important to make sure you have mastered 
mirroring and pacing before you move on to leading. 

Be sure to practice all three techniques before 
being put in a serious position where you intend to 
lead someone. These techniques take a little bit of 
practice to master and before long you will be a 
master of conversational hypnosis.

While practicing on friends or strangers, I suggest 
keeping the leading simple. For example, after you 
have mirrored and paced someone for 5-10 minutes, 
you can lead them by scratching your head. If they 
scratch their head, you have accomplished your goal 
of leading them.

Leading is a great technique to use in a business 
setting because you can get them to do what you 
want them to do. However, it is very important to 
be careful in a business setting. It is possible 
that other business people know about 
conversational hypnosis. Let’s say for example that 
you scratch your head. If the other person waits a 
little while and then scratches their head, then 
your technique is a success. However if they 
scratch their head very quickly after you did, 
perhaps they are trying to pace you. So, be 

Another way you can use leading is to slow 
someone’s voice tempo, or to speed it up. If 
someone is speaking too quickly, you can start 
slowing down your voice and see if they follow your 
lead. Leading has all sorts of possibilities. I 
encourage you to practice this skill and soon you 
will be leading people to do what you want!


jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

Enhance your brain power

 Enhance your brain power

I would like to speak about progressive enhancement in its rawest form. Among the many different facets of our lives that we can improve upon, there are two main metrics that must always have a presence in our quest.

First is the brain. The brain is the mainframe computer in our bodies, which controls every single function within us. Everything from our emotions to choices we make to even the beating of the heart is controlled by the mind.

Therefore, it's essential that we constantly exercise our minds with the same goal that we have when exercising our bodies; to improve performance.

The second metric that is essential to success is consistency. Taking the necessary steps to yield results every once in a while will not yield any true long-term results whatsoever.

It must be a consistent effort. Just like dieting, eating healthy food occasionally isn't going to get you the body you want and help you reach a level of health that is optimal.

The same is true of exercise. Considering I exercise everyday of my life, and I have now for a number of years, I know the importance of exercise and the benefits it has on people.

In fact, nowadays many insurance companies are actually paying for gym memberships for seniors because in the long run, there are less claims filed. Why? Because people live longer and get sick lesser.

So the insurance companies look at this as an investment. They pay now to save later.

Here's the catch. In many cases, the subsidy is based on gym usage. In others words, the insured must visit the club a certain amount of times per month or year to qualify to have the dues paid.

Reason being is that the insurance companies know that more visits equal better results. Again, we see how consistency is key.

True progressive enhancement requires a constant effort on improvement.

I would like to tell you about one of the best resources you can use to fuel your progressive enhancement by exercising your mind on a consistent basis.

Introducing Brain Power Control...

This program is basically like a gym membership for your mind. Enhance your mind, change your life.

Here's why you must order today - I have priced these powerful systems at what I consider to be a very generous and fair price... and in is only a market test. I will also be testing higher prices for these programs.

Here's something you must realize - I reserve the right to jack up the price...probably by $20 any time without notice. And, that could happen tomorrow, next week, or later today.

So, if you see that the investment is still just $27.97, please go ahead and order right now.

If you don't order, you'll end up paying more later. Please don't tell me I didn't warn you! So just take advantage of this offer and get the "steal of a lifetime" by ordering today. Do it now.

Go NOW before I change my mind :-)

To your success.

Do you fear social situations?

Do you fear social situations?

Do you know of one thing that can single-handedly rob you of opportunities to meet others, ensure your chances of building relationships are shattered and possibly take a toll on your health?

I'm talking about a condition known as Social Anxiety or Social Fear and it is something that is obstructing the lives of people all over the world. It can make every attempt to surround yourself with other people a living nightmare.

The severity of the problem ranges from apprehension in social environments to levels of fear that can be terrifying at the thought of being around other people.

This is certainly no way to live life. Especially since the path of the human soul is to interact with others because relationships nurture the soul.

Aside from the role relationships play in life on a spiritual level, we must certainly not forget the role they play on enhancing one's level of success.

We've all heard the saying, "It's not what you know, it's who you know." And no statement could be truer.

While skills, talent, persistence, determination, education and just about any favorable trait one may have that can get them to a certain level, the relationships they build with others will almost always take them further.

Reason being is that in order to truly succeed in life, you will at some point need to effectively partner with others. Doing so will enable you to leverage their strengths and connections, which will in turn make you more successful.

The sad fact of the matter, however, is people from all over the world are being shortchanged out of the opportunities that await them simply because they cannot bear the thought of being in social environments because their fears have taken over their lives. That's why I have taken my 20+ years of experience in hypnosis and psychology and created what may the most effective resource known to man for beating social fear.


This empowering program consists of four learning modules where you will discover:

The Truth About Social Anxiety And What Really Causes It - What you discover here may shock you but it will also fully equip you.

How To Identify Social Fear Even If You Don't Think You Have It - The first step in solving a problem is to accurately identify it.

Four Powerful Treatments For Social Fear - The more options you have, the greater your chances for success will be.

My Patented Hypnotic Method To Beat Social Fear - Using the power of hypnosis, my techniques will rewire your subconscious to destroy your social anxiety forever.

And Much More.

Here's why you must order today - I have priced this powerful system at what I consider to be a very generous and fair price... and in is only a market test. I will also be testing higher prices for these programs.

Here's something you must realize - I reserve the right to jack up the price...probably by $20 any time without notice. And, that could happen tomorrow, next week, or later today.

So, if you see that the investment is still just $27.97, please go ahead and order right now.

If you don't order, you'll end up paying more later. Please don't tell me I didn't warn you! So just take advantage of this offer today and get the "steal of a lifetime" by ordering today. Do it now.

Go NOW before I change my mind :-)

To a Fearless Day.

5 Weeks To A Slimmer You

5 Weeks To A Slimmer You

Who wouldn’t want a slimmer body?

Have you tried different types of diets and 
exercise programs only to realize you are working 
so hard but not seeing any results?

To exceed in achieving any result, you must have 
vision, discipline, and motivation. This is 
especially true when it comes to losing weight.

When a person decides to take action to lose 
weight, they have all three of these components. 

But somewhere along the line, one or more of 
these components disappears.

People either forget the vision they had for what 
they will look and feel like once the weight is 
lost, lack the discipline to exercise or eat 
healthily when they don't want to, or are no 
longer motivated by the rewards associated with 
losing excess weight.

While the situation varies from person to person, 
this is how the cycle works. The key is to learn 
to break the cycle of so many ups and downs and 
finally lose the weight and keep it off.

With that said, today I'm excited to announce the 
release of a brand new Fat Loss program called 
"Begin Slim," which will not only give you a 
clear understanding of why you make the choices 
you make, but you'll also discover how you can 
change in order to progress in various areas of 
your life.

Begin Slim will teach you how to:
Achieve unlimited confidence to shed pounds
Permanently change your eating habits
Incorporate exercise into your daily routine
Have an unlimited supply of motivation
Reach your goals and be a success

This will revolutionize your fat loss efforts. 
And, it will enable you to experience all the 
benefits that a slim and healthy body has to 

Here's why you must order today - Steve has 
priced this powerful system at what I consider to 
be a very generous and fair price...and in is only a market test. He will also be 
testing higher prices for this program.

Here's something you must realize - He reserves 
the right to jack up the price...probably by $20 any time without notice. And...that 
could happen tomorrow, next week, or later today.

So, if you see that the investment is still just 
$39.97, please order today.

If you don't order, you'll end up paying more 
later. Take advantage of everything "Begin Slim" 
has to offer.


To your health and fitness.

miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013

Do you fear social situations?

 Do you fear social situations?

Do you know of one thing that can single-handedly rob you of opportunities to meet others, ensure your chances of building relationships are shattered and possibly take a toll on your health?

I'm talking about a condition known as Social Anxiety or Social Fear and it is something that is obstructing the lives of people all over the world. It can make every attempt to surround yourself with other people a living nightmare.

The severity of the problem ranges from apprehension in social environments to levels of fear that can be terrifying at the thought of being around other people.

This is certainly no way to live life. Especially since the path of the human soul is to interact with others because relationships nurture the soul.

Aside from the role relationships play in life on a spiritual level, we must certainly not forget the role they play on enhancing one's level of success.

We've all heard the saying, "It's not what you know, it's who you know." And no statement could be truer.

While skills, talent, persistence, determination, education and just about any favorable trait one may have that can get them to a certain level, the relationships they build with others will almost always take them further.

Reason being is that in order to truly succeed in life, you will at some point need to effectively partner with others. Doing so will enable you to leverage their strengths and connections, which will in turn make you more successful.

The sad fact of the matter, however, is people from all over the world are being shortchanged out of the opportunities that await them simply because they cannot bear the thought of being in social environments because their fears have taken over their lives. That's why I have taken my 20+ years of experience in hypnosis and psychology and created what may the most effective resource known to man for beating social fear.


This empowering program consists of four learning modules where you will discover:

The Truth About Social Anxiety And What Really Causes It - What you discover here may shock you but it will also fully equip you.

How To Identify Social Fear Even If You Don't Think You Have It - The first step in solving a problem is to accurately identify it.

Four Powerful Treatments For Social Fear - The more options you have, the greater your chances for success will be.

My Patented Hypnotic Method To Beat Social Fear - Using the power of hypnosis, my techniques will rewire your subconscious to destroy your social anxiety forever.

And Much More.

Here's why you must order today - I have priced this powerful system at what I consider to be a very generous and fair price... and in is only a market test. I will also be testing higher prices for these programs.

Here's something you must realize - I reserve the right to jack up the price...probably by $20 any time without notice. And, that could happen tomorrow, next week, or later today.

So, if you see that the investment is still just $27.97, please go ahead and order right now.

If you don't order, you'll end up paying more later. Please don't tell me I didn't warn you! So just take advantage of this offer today and get the "steal of a lifetime" by ordering today. Do it now.

Go NOW before I change my mind :-)

To a Fearless Day.

Today I want to talk a little about finances

Today I want to talk a little about finances.

Are bills piling up?

Does it seem like you will never get caught up financially?

Well now there is hope. My newest program, Finance Stress, will help you overcome your financial stress by systematically changing the way you relate to money.

You can become the master of money rather than bills ruling you. The thing about stress is that it is psychological. I give you powerful techniques to get rid of the stress so that you can focus on making positive change in your financial future.

Stress can be debilitating, but this program will teach you to move past the stress and focus on improving your finances.

Imagine paying off bills.

Imagine paying down credit card debt.

Imagine having a large savings or investment account.

All of this can and will happen to you when you follow the principles I developed.


"Finance Stress" Consists of Four Empowering Audio Modules, which are approximately 30 minutes each in length. And to ensure your success even further, I am going include a bonus hypnosis recording!

This will revolutionize the way you act in your life. It will enable you to experience all the benefits that financial freedom has to offer.

Here's why you must order today - I have priced these powerful systems at what I consider to be a very generous and fair price... and in is only a market test.  I will also be testing higher prices for these programs.

Here's something you must realize - I reserve the right to jack up the price...probably by $20 any time without notice. And, that could happen tomorrow, next week, or later today.

So, if you see that the investment is still just $27.97, please go ahead and order right now.

If you don't order, you'll end up paying more later. Please don't tell me I didn't warn you! So just take advantage of this offer today

and get the "steal of a lifetime" by ordering today. Do it now.
Go NOW before I change my mind :-)

To your success.

Explode Your Confidence Beyond Belief

 Explode Your Confidence Beyond Belief

If you are not one hundred percent satisfied with the current status of your life as it is right now in terms of anything including relationships, finances, career, parenting, etc. there is only one thing that you need to assess and that's your decision making process.

You see, our lives are shaped by our experiences and all experiences are the result of a decision.

If you decide to touch a burning stove, the result will be that you get burned. If you decide to jump in a pool of water, the result will be that you get wet.

Sometimes however, the result that we experience from a decision isn't so clearly visible prior to making that decision.

In other words, we think that by making a certain decision, we will achieve a certain result but somehow that result turns into something else. And that's when things get tricky.

And this is why if areas of your life aren't moving along as planned, you must assess your decision making process.

Decisions are driven by two things; the confidence in one's ability to achieve a certain result and more importantly, emotions.

The reason why I say "more importantly" is because emotions ultimately guide every decision and will always override one's confidence.

For example, if you decide that it's time to lose weight or quit smoking, you can have all the confidence in the world in your ability to achieve those goals but if your emotions point you in the opposite direction, you will ultimately never achieve those goals.

Therefore, to truly enhance any areas of your life, you must work on both your confidence and your emotions.

Steve G. Jones is a clinical hypnotherapist who has been practicing hypnotherapy for over 20 years and has worked with the likes of just about anyone ranging from regular everyday folks to high profile celebrities.

In fact, pretty soon he will have his own television show called "The Celebrity Hypnotist."

Steve also has the largest collection of hypnosis recordings on the planet and is well respected in his field.

Some time ago, Steve realized that while he was helping improve various areas of people's lives using the power of hypnosis on a subconscious level, working on someone's confidence was a must no matter what.

It's almost like a prerequisite for true transformation. The only problem was that people would have to fly to his Savannah office for the hypnosis session and pay a pretty penny to do so.

Steve decided to create a program that would equip any person with the ability to build confidence using hypnosis right in the privacy of their own homes, which would make it much more convenient and affordable.

And so he did just that. The only problem; it was missing something.

While Steve's program was in fact ultra effective at building confidence, it didn't focus on emotions on any level.

Knowing that the only true way to deal with one's emotions is through Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT for short, Steve knew he had to incorporate the principles of EFT into his program.

But Steve is an expert in hypnosis, not EFT.

So what did he do? He decided to enlist the help of a man who is arguably the world's foremost EFT expert......Brad Yates.

While it certainly was no easy task (it took nearly a year), Steve finally did track Brad down and got him to join forces with him to create what is perhaps the most powerful formula for building confidence known to man.

Introducing Confidence Beyond Belief by Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. and Brad Yates. 

I want you to be successful.

To your success.

Today I want to talk about Past Life Regression

Today I want to talk about Past Life Regression.

Past life regression provides an experience unparalleled by anything else on both spiritual and psychotherapeutic levels. This truth was never more clearly evident than in my session with Hollywood celebrity Danny Bonaduce a few months back during which some surprising truths were revealed.

That's the thing about past life regression; surprising truths are almost always revealed. And that's what makes the experience so fascinating on so many different levels. Whether you simply want to achieve spiritual enlightenment in its truest form, or you want to discover how the role you held in your past life is affecting you today, past life regression is without a doubt one of the most intriguing journeys of the mind.

In the past however, effectively using the hypnotic techniques encompassed in past life regression on my clients involved a lot. First off, I would have to block out time in my busy schedule.

The client would have to book a trip to my office in Savannah and come up with the $25,000 that gets you a private session. I thought to myself "there has to be a better way." There has to be a more effective way for me to reach people with past life regression. And so (like many other initiatives that I have taken), I decided I needed to create a method or a system that people could use to experience past life regression without traveling to Savannah.

And so I took my degree in Cognitive Psychology (the study of how people learn) and put to use. After all, a good education in America can be quite costly.

What I came up with was an end result that far surpassed even my expectations. It is without a shadow of a doubt arguably the most effective yet extremely easy to use system on past life regression that the world has ever seen.

Now I know that's a pretty bold statement to make and that's exactly why I DON'T want you to take my word for it. Instead, I want you to see for yourself first hand how empowering this resource truly is.

See how amazingly effective and seamlessly simple this system really is. But aside from being effective and easy to use, I am going to go one better and make it amazingly easy to own as well. And here's how I'm going to do that.

I'm going to virtually give this resource away for pennies on the dollar.

You see, until now a past life regression session with me had a $25,000 price tag attached to it. And that price pails in comparison to what some TV networks are willing to shell out for me to hypnotize Danny.

Here's why you must order today - I have priced this powerful system at what I consider to be a very generous and fair price... and in is only a market test.  I will also be testing higher prices for these programs.

Here's something you must realize - I reserve the right to jack up the price...probably by $20 any time without notice. And, that could happen tomorrow, next week, or later today.           

So, if you see that the investment is still just $27.97, please go ahead and order right now.

If you don't order, you'll end up paying more later. Please don't tell me I didn't warn you! So just take advantage of this offer today and get the "steal of a lifetime" by ordering today. Do it now.

Go NOW before I change my mind :-)

Enjoy the savings!

I want you to be successful.

Take your life to the next level!

To your success.